October 18th
This cutie of a pumpkin was made with just a few things that almost any crafty gal has lying around, along with spray paint and a pumpkin which are super cheap! Check out how to make this chic pumpkin over at The Stories of A to Z!

For all you candy corn lovers out there, this may just be the perfect recipe utilizing the multicolored candy! Personally, I am not a fan, in fact, I hate candy corn, but I am sure that I would love these cookies if I could bare eating the candy corn! You can find the recipe over at The Idea Room!
This adorable checkboard table and chairs would be perfect in a child's playroom! The story that comes along with the making of this project is so sweet and could only have been more perfect if the husband had asked for a cherry pie instead of an apple one! Find the process over at The Stories of A to Z!
I don't know about you, but I had a doll house growing up that my grandfather made from scratch but still to this day has not finished. I still had fun with all of the furniture, dolls, and homemade fake food that they bought and made for my sister and I to use for the doll house. I could spend hours removing every last piece of furniture and rearrange it and change what rooms were supposed to be. I suppose that was the inner interior decorator in me already forcing itself out! I would have loved a couple of banners like these for my doll's playroom or even bedroom! It is so adorable and simple to make! Find out how at Pretty Partridge! (Bonus! Check out the amazing paint colors, wall textures, and flooring Ashlee has chosen for the inside and outside of this adorable doll house here!)
He he, is this not the cutest little goody bag? It is perfect the perfect size to do a Halloween gift for your child's classroom! If I was able to get to a store that sells fabric, I would make this for my mother who is addicted to candy corn. I would fill the entire bag (lining it with a plastic sandwich baggy) with candy corn! You can find this adorable mini-bag over at Stitcher Scribbler!
October 20th
This spook-ally cute drawstring bag can be used for a special get-rid-of-the-candy game as instructed, or could be used for the actual partacking of Trick-or-Treating! I personally am in love with this bag and will use the tutorial to make my own bags for things like handmade Christmas and birthday gifts! Find the super fun tutorial over at Blue Cricket Design!
October 21st
Aren't these adorable? I see these glass boxes, like what you sometimes see in a bathroom to cloud the window, in stores all of the time decorated in different themes. I even have one of my own decked out in OSU Buckeye garb that I got at a Buckeye store. This tutorial, you'll find, can be altered for any holiday or special occasion. Find it at Not So Idle Hands.
October 22nd
This is a really cute idea! Super easy, customizable, and cheap! The only thing that I would do differently is cut pieces for the edges of the chipboard. Learn how to make these over at The Girl Creative!
October 23rd
Look how warm this scarf looks? Guess what? You can make it even with minimal sewing skills! It is literally just two lines sewn from top to bottom and then a few minutes of cutting the fabric with scissors! How easy is that? Check it out over at Make It and Love It!
Need a quick project to keep the kids entertained? Need a few simple and fast decorations for around the house or outside on the porch? I think that all the world's problems can be fixed with this super easy spider web! Check it out over at Pink and Green Mama!
This homemade advent calender is a fun alternative to boring and sometimes expensive store-bought ones. This tutorial could even be altered to make a Halloween countdown! You would just have to figure out how to make a pumpkin or some other Halloween-themed shape. Find the tutorial at Inspiring Creations!

This handmade journal cover is so adorable, it makes me want to go buy a bunch of 1/4 yard (can you even buy smaller?) cuts of fabric and make my own! The random stitching on the cover makes it look quilted in my opinion. Learn how to make your own over at Happy Together!
October 19th

For all you candy corn lovers out there, this may just be the perfect recipe utilizing the multicolored candy! Personally, I am not a fan, in fact, I hate candy corn, but I am sure that I would love these cookies if I could bare eating the candy corn! You can find the recipe over at The Idea Room!
This adorable checkboard table and chairs would be perfect in a child's playroom! The story that comes along with the making of this project is so sweet and could only have been more perfect if the husband had asked for a cherry pie instead of an apple one! Find the process over at The Stories of A to Z!
He he, is this not the cutest little goody bag? It is perfect the perfect size to do a Halloween gift for your child's classroom! If I was able to get to a store that sells fabric, I would make this for my mother who is addicted to candy corn. I would fill the entire bag (lining it with a plastic sandwich baggy) with candy corn! You can find this adorable mini-bag over at Stitcher Scribbler!
October 20th
This spook-ally cute drawstring bag can be used for a special get-rid-of-the-candy game as instructed, or could be used for the actual partacking of Trick-or-Treating! I personally am in love with this bag and will use the tutorial to make my own bags for things like handmade Christmas and birthday gifts! Find the super fun tutorial over at Blue Cricket Design!
October 21st
Aren't these adorable? I see these glass boxes, like what you sometimes see in a bathroom to cloud the window, in stores all of the time decorated in different themes. I even have one of my own decked out in OSU Buckeye garb that I got at a Buckeye store. This tutorial, you'll find, can be altered for any holiday or special occasion. Find it at Not So Idle Hands.
October 22nd
This is a really cute idea! Super easy, customizable, and cheap! The only thing that I would do differently is cut pieces for the edges of the chipboard. Learn how to make these over at The Girl Creative!
October 23rd
Look how warm this scarf looks? Guess what? You can make it even with minimal sewing skills! It is literally just two lines sewn from top to bottom and then a few minutes of cutting the fabric with scissors! How easy is that? Check it out over at Make It and Love It!
The dollhouse banner is just the cutest thing! I've always wanted a dollhouse but I really have no room for one (well if I got rid of the sewing machine I suppose it could go there)!
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